Our church is having a Patriotic Concert on July 5th and I'm working on a Medley of George Cohan songs including Yankee Doodle, Give my Regards to Broadway, and It's a Grand Old Flag. It's a bit weird because the music is so old that the left hand, which is supposed to be Bass Clef, is actually written in G or Treble Clef, so I have to constantly remind myself of that. But it's a nice arrangement.
I came across an interesting link today http://www.talkingreeds.co.uk/ for anyone who is interested in how accordions produce their sound and how they are tuned. It is a very informative website and full of great information. Our Brevard Chapter of the Central Florida Accordion Club met last Sunday and Jessica and I went down to visit them. It was a fantastic meeting, the room is spacious and those who sign up to play don't have to compete with a lot of disruptive conversation. A Couple of weeks ago I found a 2nd accordion, (I've been wanting to have a back-up) in Deland. It is an Excelsior AC, and it is in pretty good condition. The keyboard action is fantastic and I will eventually get it tuned, but it is in pretty good tune. Now I'm torn when I go to practice. Do I play the Excelsior which feels better to play, and sounds better acoustically than my Pietro, or do I play my Pietro connected up to my amplifier with the CIAO Midi on, which produces a lovely sound.
If anyone out there has any favorite patriotic songs, or medleys which you enjoy playing, please share them with us. Have a happy 4th of July! Tony